29 July 2011

!*?!?ng computers

Greetings, dear reader, greetings.

I must apologise for the lack of blogging of late - not because I've lost interest, but because I've lost technology.

Initially I had a problem, as I believe I explained in an earlier missive, with my broadband connection. BT, in its monolithic way, got round to curing that one just as soon as Bert from the exchange got round to emptying the water out of the junction box.

Then began a series of events that wouldn't have seemed out of place in one of those cheap horror stories where accident piles upon coincidence which in turn is founded in sheer bad luck, leavened with a dash of 'What the f**k do I do now?.

Firstly, we noticed that the power cable on 'Erself's laptop was beginning to fray - not badly, and with no effect, but we knew that sooner or later we'd have to buy a replacement - but not yet, times is 'ard and cash difficult to come by for those of us on a fixed income.

Then, I downloaded an update to my Apple iMac, something I'd done many, many times before. Following the download, the dear little thing requested that I reboot it (also a familiar concept), which I did. I then went to bed.

In the words of cheap stories everywhere, '...imagine my surprise...' the next morning when I was faced with a grey screen, complete with Apple logo, and no reboot!

I turned it off and turned it on again - same result.

Long story short - nothing doing. My support guy is on holiday till 8/8, I have work to do, people to email, letters to write, and here I am reduced to using my wife's laptop (when she doesn't need it!).

And so, blogging is a fair way down the list of things to do, following on from creating new member details for the charity I work for (which I will tell you about one day, honest), writing to supporters of the charity, PR work for the charity, webmastering for the charity and the local school, and producing newsletters, both local and national.

But worse than that - I can't play any games! She hasn't got any installed on her laptop! OH MY GODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What was it you were saying about you'd rather Mac-it than Windows-it?

    I take no chances. Since Gates & Co screwed XP Service pack 3 I have had the auto-update feature turned OFF! I figure if it ain't broken, then why fix it?

    Wot, no games! Whooaaaaahhhh, you might have to do some work! Did you finish the kitchen yet? If you can't find any, then my missus says come up here 'cos she's got loads of stuff that needs doing. I'm sure your's has a list just like mine!
