I've decided I need somewhere to unload, unwind and generally get shot of the angst that builds up during your average working day, and also to share the good stuff when it happens.
Not that I work - depending who you talk to I'm retired, I swan around doing sod all, or I'm a lazy git.
But that's all a bit unfair - I don't do paid work, but I do a lot of work for a charity, the National Coastwatch Institution - but more of them on another occasion.
I have also recently started designing websites, but please - don't come and ask me to do yours for you.
Although I think I'm OK at it, I am an amateur, and so far all I've done is the local school site - www.dariteprimaryschool.moonfruit.com - which I'm quite please with; one for its sister-school - www.lanliveryprimaryschool.moonfruit.com - which is still pretty much a work in progress, and I've just taken on my first paid project. (I'll point you at that one when it's finished.)
Between those things, retirement isn't the alcohol-preserved joyride I was expecting it to be - I work but I don't have any money, I have responsibilities but no rewards, I have stress but no-one to shout at - and that, gentle blog-reader is where you come in.
When the need strikes, I will come here and have a rant about whatever's bugging me. May be little things, might be large, could be be earth-shattering, probably won't matter a damn, but it will be bugging me.
Between-times, I'll try and post some nice gentle stuff; stuff that will bring a smile to your face, a little light to your existence, or maybe a belly-laugh to make you feel better!
But not today!! Today things wound me up...
Like the woman at Hannafore (Looe) beach today. Voice like a 30-fags-a-day town crier, IQ somewhere around the same number as her age, bawling at the top of her voice at her kid, equally gifted, who was completely blanking her. Why? Why not just walk over to him (oh, yeah, there's the first problem when you're 5'6" and weigh about 200lbs), explain to him why hurling rocks at seagulls isn't considered particularly 'green', and haul him off back to wherever he spends his spare time and lock him in the coalshed.
Why let everyone within half a mile know that you're a big, brassy, loudmouthed chav with no control over your big, loudmouthed, unattractive brood?
I don't think it enhanced anyone's afternoon, and it got me into trouble with 'Erself for expressing a rude and derogatory opinion!
C'est la vie. There, I feel better now, and tomorrow will be another day.
Farewell till next time,
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