Much better today.
For one thing the sun was shining - and although my natural habitat is an office chair, wanly lit by the glow from my iMac's screen, with the gentle sound of trickling Scotch to lull me into my afternoon nap, even I enjoyed going out for a walk with 'Erself and the dogs, and feeling the warmth of natural sunlight on my face.
Plus, we sold the caravan, thus engendering the temporary, and very dangerously misleading feeling of being quite well off.
Here is the offending beast...
It was a great van while we had it, but unfortunately we didn't get to use it anywhere near enough, so we gave it its freedom and let someone else take it for outings and fresh air.
Also, the kitchen took a huge leap forward. Whoa! Steady there...what I mean is they fitted the worktops and the appliances and sink - although we can't currently use the sink till the silicon sealant goes off, thereby casting into the land of 'I'm not sure I heard that right' their claim that as at the close of business today we have a functioning kitchen. But never mind - I've done the man-thing of turning everything on, making sure it all gets very hot, lights up, and beeps, then turning it all off again! By Christ, it's powerful stuff!
It's now the very early hours of this Saturday morn, very far down this bottle of Morrison's scotch, and amazingly close to when I will have to get up and repeat the whole futile business of life, all over again, so I'm off to bed, perchance to dream, and almost (almost!) certainly to wake up again soon.
Tomorrow is another day,
Sleep well, gentle reader....
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